2018.01.28-2 professors should not allow stu to record lectures

2018.01.28-2 professors should not allow stu to record lectures





  • 一颗太阳_il

    have to be very focus on the class and they would be willing to take part in some class discussions or presentations, where they could communicate and exchange ideas with other students or with their professors. And

  • 一颗太阳_il

    Well i agree that professor should not allow students to record lectures in the class, that’s because it’s good for students’ study. I mean in this way, students

  • 一颗太阳_il

    so in this way they could actually get a better understanding of the lecture topics. But if the professor allow students to record lectures in the class, maybe they think it will be fine for them to get distracted for time to time

  • 一颗太阳_il

    Well i prefer to gain ideas from others when making a choice, that’s because that will help me make a right decision

  • 一颗太阳_il

    since different people will give me different useful suggestions to help me make a rightful choice,. So for example, last semester, i didn’t know what major to choose and i was quiet confused, and

  • 一颗太阳_il

    when I talked about this with some of my family members, some of them suggested that i could try to do some part-time jobs to figure out what i was really interested in. I did, and it turned out to be very useful