femorning 11.23

femorning 11.23


1.According to data from the China Consumers Association, during the "Double 11" period, consumer rights protection issues were concentrated in aspects such as chaotic live streaming sales, product quality issues, poor experience in mobile software advertising, and price disputes during promotions. There were 1565203 negative messages about "live broadcast with goods", accounting for 47.99% of complaints. The amount of information is concentrated in the first half of "Double 11". The problems of price monopoly, vulgar sales, and false advertising are more prominent.


2.According to Securities Daily, since November, mortgage rates in multiple regions have continued to decline. The average mainstream mortgage interest rate for the first home inBaichengis 3.87%, while the average mainstream mortgage interest rate for the second home is 4.43%, both slightly decreasing by 1 basis point compared to last month. The mortgage interest rates and down payment ratios in Beijing and Shanghai are relatively high, and there is still a possibility of a reduction. The release of overall market demand for home purchases is still slow, andit is not ruled out that there is still a possibility of a decrease in mortgage rates in the future.


3.In October,second-hand home sales in the United States recorded the largest decline in nearly a year,highlighting the impact of rising mortgage rates and high housing prices on the second-hand housing market. Contract trading volume decreased by 4.1% month on month to an annual rate of 3.79 million units, the lowest since 2010.


4.The wholesale price of Maotai 1935 is about 960 yuan/bottle, while some channel merchants have a comprehensive purchasing cost of over 1000 yuan, and the price has become "inverted". Maotai 1935 was a high-end product launched last year, with sales revenue of about5 billion yuanlast year and a sales target of 10 billion yuan this year.


5.According toThe Beijing News, the transaction volume of the Beijing Stock Exchange reached 13.1 billion yuan today, setting another new record. In recent days, investors from the Beijing Stock Exchange have been running in. As of November 22,the number of qualified investors on the Beijing Stock Exchange has reached 6.26 million, with nearly 700000 new investors added since the launch of the 19 Shenzhen Reform Articles on September 1.


6.According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from January to October,China's telecommunications business revenue reached a total of 1416.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.9%. Three basic telecommunications companies are actively developing emerging businesses such as IPTV, internet data centers, big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things, with a total revenue of 301.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.5%. Among them, the year-on-year growth rates of cloud computing and big data revenue reached 41.5% and 41.4%, respectively.


7. Economic Daily pointed out in an article that there are two main keywords for the success of micro short dramas: the era of vertical screens and the power of capital. As a "must-have" in the era of verticalscreens, mini dramas should not limit themselves to "thunder dramas", "cool dramas", and "edge dramas", let alone indulge in capital games. The strengthening of governance by mainstream platforms and regulatory authoritiesis a signal that micro dramas need to quickly return to the right track of creating cultural masterpieces.


8.According toFirst Financial News:Due to the recovery of demand for nuclear energy and supply disruptions, the price of uranium has exceeded $80 per pound for the first time in 15 years.Against the backdrop of the global nuclear renaissance and numerous production challenges, uranium prices have risen significantly this year after more than a decade of consolidation. Although spot uranium trading is light, long-term uranium prices, which are more important for power plants, have also been on the rise.


9.Morgan Stanley expects OPEC to continue to limit production and stabilize crude oil inventories at current levels. Saudi Arabia and several other OPEC countries may extend their voluntary production cuts until the end of the second quarter of 2024, but it seems unlikely to further increase the scale of official production cuts at this stage.It is expected that global demand growth will slow down from approximately 2.3 million barrels per day to approximately 1.2 million barrels per day next year, and the expected growth can be fully met by supply fromnon OPECsources.


10.Ford is building a battery factory in Michigan to reduce production capacity and recruitment plans, as the companybelieves demand for electric vehicles will weaken.The construction of the Marshall factory, which was suspended two months ago, is currently resuming, but the annual production of batteries can only power approximately 230000 electric vehicles, lower than the previously planned 400000 vehicles.






