Friends S09E22 Vol. 1: 余情未了烦人事 极端痛苦华尔兹

Friends S09E22 Vol. 1: 余情未了烦人事 极端痛苦华尔兹


1. pain in the ass 讨厌的人或事 

Phoebe在和Mike的电话通话中得知要参加Mike姐姐的party, 挂了电话大骂一句pain in the ass,因为她跟Mike分手了,而在这个party上还是会见到Mike的。

pain in the ass 讨厌的人, 烦人的人或事



For everyone, the novel coronavirus is a real pain in the ass.


如果觉得ass这个词有些粗俗,可以换成pain in the neck意思一样。

2. hung up on sb/sth 心里总想着某人或某事

看到Phoebe这么讨厌去参加party见到Mike, Rachel就问她是不是还对Mike余情未了。Rachel用的话是you have totally hung up on him.

hung up on sb/sth “心里总想着某人或某事”


这个短语的另外一个意思就是Ends a telephone conversation before the conversation is finished or to quit dealing with someone. (挂断某人电话或跟某人一刀两断)

3. eat one's heart out 感到难过,由于妒忌和痛苦

Rachel建议Phoebe打扮的漂漂亮亮去参加party让Mike看到她以后eat his heart out. 

eat one's heart out  感到难过,或是由于嫉妒而痛苦

Phoebe: (entering and talking on mobile phone) Ok, great! All right, bye! (she hangs up) Pain in the ass!! (she looks at the others, then back at the phone) That's off, right?

Joey: What's the matter, Pheebs?

Phoebe: Oh... Mike's sister just invited me to a party tonight, he's gonna be there. And she was like "Oh, don't worry! I asked him. He's totally ok with seeing you!". So now I have to go so he'll think that I'm totally ok with seeing him!

Rachel: Which you're not, because you've totally hung up on him!

Phoebe: Exactly!

Rachel: And you're gonna want him to eat his heart out so you're gonna have to look fabulous!

Phoebe: (after a short pause) I didn't even think about that! (pause) Aaargh, sexual politics!!

4. waltz in some place 轻松进入

Rachel在试衣间里跟Phoebe说了她对Charlie很不爽,原因是Charlie waltzed in here and swept Joey off his feet.

waltz in (into) some place 轻松地进入:指以轻松、自信的态度进入某个场合或轻易地获得某种地位。


He just waltzed into the company and got a promotion within a month.


5. sweep someone off one's feet  让某人神魂颠倒

Rachel所说的Charlie轻易swept Joey off his feet

sweep some off one's feet  字面上的意思是将某人撂倒、使某人跌倒在地,这个俚语被用来形容非常恋慕某人,对他一见倾心,类似于大家比较熟悉的have a crush on sb.(对某人有好感),但却是生动许多的用法

Phoebe: So what were you doing out there, do you not like Charlie?

Rachel: She's ok, I just don't get a really good vibe from her!

Phoebe: Why?

Rachel: I don't know, you know, just the way she waltzed in here all smart, and tall! You know, and just swept Joey off his feet... I mean, nobody else has a chance!

Phoebe: Who else?

Rachel: Anybody! You, me, you know, Monica's mom...

Phoebe: You like Joey?

Rachel: Shhhhh! Phoebe! All right, look. I have a little thing for him.

Phoebe: (whispering) Oh my God!

