



Since 2008’s “Iron Man”, the Marvel machine has been one of the most unstoppable forces in box-office history. Now, though, that aura of invincibility is showing signs of wear and tear. The superhero factory hit a new low with the weekend launch of “The Marvels”, which opened with just 47 million dollars.

With movie screens and streaming platforms increasingly crowded with superhero films and series, some analysts have detected a new fatigue setting in for audiences.


1. unstoppable /ʌnˈstɑːpəb(ə)l/ adj. 不能被阻止的

· 构词:前缀un-,主体stop,后缀-able

· an unstoppable force 一股势不可挡的力量

2. an aura of invincibility 一层无敌光环

· aura /ˈɔːrə/ n. 光环(由于能量散发的微光,平时多指人或物散发的气息)

· invincibility /ɪnˌvɪnsəˈbɪləti/ n. 不可战胜

· He gave off an aura of invincibility.


3. show signs of wear and tear 显示出磨损的迹象

· wear /wer/ n. 磨损

· tear /ter/ n. 裂缝

· wear and tear 磨损,损耗

4. hit a new low 创下历史新低

5. be crowded with 挤满了人或物

· The sites are crowded with tourists during the travelingseason.


6. fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ n. 疲劳

7. set in 形容“不好的事情到来,并且可能会持续”

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