11.13 美音朗读版

11.13 美音朗读版

  • MissFang0000

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.

  • 1398325eiqp

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.

  • 蓝银溪

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.

  • 感性的洋葱头

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.

  • 1353102rpkb

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.

  • 悦言乐

    I was built to be a mountain, not a creek, rising to the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet.  我被造成一座山,而不是一条小溪;攀上高峰,脚下是小山谷。 我生来就是高山而非溪流;我欲于群峰之巅,俯视平庸的沟壑。 ——《我本是高山》 云南丽江华坪 女子高级中学 校长张桂梅