第2008期:Birds Will No Longer Be Named after People

第2008期:Birds Will No Longer Be Named after People


Birds in North America will no longer be named after people. The American Ornithological Society announced the move Wednesday. 


Next year, the organization will begin to rename around 80 birds found in the United States and Canada. 

明年,该组织将开始重新命名在美国和加拿大发现的约 80 种鸟类。

Colleen Handel is the organization’s president. She said: “There is power in a name, and some English bird names have associations with the past that continue to be exclusionary and harmful today.” 


“Everyone who loves and cares about birds should be able to enjoy and study them freely,” Handel added. 


Rather than review each bird named after a person individually, all birds named after people will be renamed, the organization announced. 


Birds that will be renamed include those currently called Wilson’s warbler and Wilson’s snipe. Those are both named after the 19th century naturalist Alexander Wilson. Audubon’s shearwater, a seabird named for John James Audubon, also will get a new name. 

将被重新命名的鸟类包括目前被称为威尔逊莺和威尔逊鹬的鸟类。它们均以 19 世纪博物学家亚历山大·威尔逊 (Alexander Wilson) 的名字命名。奥杜邦海鸥是一种以约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦命名的海鸟,也将获得一个新名字。 

In 2020, the organization renamed a bird that used to be named after Confederate Army General, John P. McCown. It is now called the thick-billed longspur. 

2020 年,该组织将一只曾经以南部邦联陆军将军约翰·P·麦考恩 (John P. McCown) 命名的鸟重新命名。现在它被称为厚嘴长刺。 

“I'm really happy and excited about the announcement,” said Emily Williams. She is an ornithologist at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. who was not involved in the decision. 


She said debates over bird names have been happening among birdwatchers for the past several years. 


“Naming birds based on habitat or appearance is one of the least problematic approaches," Williams said. 


Earlier this year, the National Audubon Society announced that it would keep its name. Some critics argued that the group should lose its connection to John James Audubon, whose family owned slaves. 


“The name has come to represent so much more than the work of one person,” Susan Bell told Audubon magazine in March. She is chair of the National Audubon Society's Board of Directors. Bell added, “We must reckon with the racist legacy of John James Audubon.” 

“这个名字所代表的意义远不止一个人的作品,”苏珊·贝尔 (Susan Bell) 三月份告诉奥杜邦杂志 (Audubon magazine)。她是国家奥杜邦协会董事会主席。贝尔补充道:“我们必须正视约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦的种族主义遗产。” 

A 2020 incident in New York’s Central Park has been reported as an example of discrimination that Black people sometimes face when trying to enjoy the outdoors. 

据报道,2020 年纽约中央公园发生的一起事件是黑人在尝试享受户外活动时有时会面临歧视的一个例子。 

Christian Cooper, a Black birdwatcher, was looking for birds when he asked a white woman, Amy Cooper, to follow local rules and leash her dog. Cooper called the police and was later charged with filing a false police report. Police later dropped the charge.

黑人观鸟者克里斯蒂安·库珀(Christian Cooper)在寻找鸟类时,要求白人妇女艾米·库珀(Amy Cooper)遵守当地规定并拴好她的狗。库珀报了警,后来被指控向警方提交虚假报告。警方后来撤销了指控。 

Soon after, a group of birdwatchers organized the first Black Birders Week for Black nature lovers and scientists. 


And a group called Bird Names for Birds sent a petition to the ornithological society urging it to create “a plan to change harmful common names” of birds. 


