

The United States is a country of immigrants. it is a place where people from all over the world come to build a better life. Some immigrants bring their families.Some bring a few of their favorite things. Others come alone with nothing but determination. One thing that every immigrant brings with them is their culture.A person's culture is the customs and beliefs that they hold. A person's culture is strangly fied to the country where they grew up. it is tied to their relationship with their family.Many people come to America from so many different places all over the world. For this reason, many people call America a "melting pot" of cultures.
The "melting pot" idea compares America to a giant soup pot. Each immigrant is an ingredient added to the pot.Each immigrant adds their own flavor After ea immigrant comes to America, they connect to other people. People leam about other's culture. This is the beginning of the soup pot of America melling
The Amenican mosaic is one of different cultures and regian

with uniaue characteristics and flavors.Americans often think of themsaives,moi as coming from a particular ethnic heritage, but also of being part of a geograph region. Understanding these regional characteristics and flavors is an excellent way to get to know Americans.
Amencan history began with waves of immigrants, bringing their own cultures and traditions to a vast new country.No other place in the world has such a diverse population. It is this diversity that makes America what it is and, at the same time, creates the challenges it faces.
American immigration began in 1607 with the colony of Jamestown.in another group of people left England to build a settlement in America,These called themselves Pilgrims. They wanted to go to a place where they could p their religion freely. They wanted to be free of the contral of the English gove
these groups worked hard to buld good settlements
