untimely kindness . So in this video, we're going to cover nine of the most common mistakes you may be making and some quick fixes. 所以在这部影片中,我们要介绍九个常见错误以及一些补救方法。
untimely One martyr after another throuout history gave witness to their truth by holding firm to their faith despite // in spite of persecution and death. 历史上前仆后继的殉道者们,不惧迫害和死亡,持守信仰,为给他们热爱的真理做证。
This statement is inspiring and powerful,but here is an important insight that could easily be missed in reading it. 这一说法鼓舞人心且铿锵有力,但是这里有一个见解,我们在阅读的时候可能会容易错过。