06 Stormy years in France(4)

06 Stormy years in France(4)


  'Good, ' said his wife.'I'll put him on the list tomorrow. But you seem tired tonight. And sad.'
  'Well, ' said Defarge, 'it is a long time.'
  'It takes time to prepare for change. The crimes against the people of France cannot be revenged in a day.'
  'But we may not live to see the end.'
  'Even if that happens, ' replied Madame Defarge, 'we shall help it to come. But I believe that we shall see the day of our revenge against these hated noblemen.'
  The next day a stranger came into the wine-shop. At once, Madame Defarge picked up a rose from the table and put it in her hair. As soon as they saw this, the customers stopped talking and, one by one, without hurrying, left the wine-shop.


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