Polynesiansbegan to settle in the Hawaiian Islands between the 1st and 10th centuries.Around 1200 CE, Tahitian explorers found and began settling the area as well.This marked the rise of the Hawaiian civilization, which would be largelyseparated from the rest of the world until the arrival of the British 600 yearslater. Europeans under the British explorer James Cook arrived in the HawaiianIslands in 1778, and within five years of contact, European military technologywould help Kamehameha I conquer most of the people, and eventually unify theislands for the first time; establishing the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Theearliest recorded European mention of America is in a historical treatise bythe medieval chronicler Adam of Bremen, circa 1075, where it is referred to asVinland.[b] It is also extensively referred to in the 13th-century NorseVinland Sagas, which relate to events which occurred around 1000. Whilst thestrongest archaeological evidence of the existence of Norse settlements inAmerica is located in Canada, most notably at L'Anse aux Meadows and dated tocirca 1000, there is significant scholarly debate as to whether Norse explorersalso made landfall in New England and other east-coast areas.[16] In 1925,President Calvin Coolidge declared that a Norse explorer called Leif Erikson(c.970 – c.1020) was the first European to discover America.