


English Idioms 英文成语

1. at a crossroads 

(at a crossroads = at a point where a decision needs to be made:在一个需要做出决定的时刻)

英文解释:The word crossroads means an intersection - a place where two or more streets come together, so you need to decide which way to go. Crossroads这个词的意思是十字路口——两条或多条街道交汇的地方,所以你需要决定走哪条路。

The idiom "at a crossroads" can be used in any situation when you need to make a decision - especially a decision that will have significant effects in the future. “在十字路口”这个成语可以用在任何情况下,当你需要作出决定—尤其是一个将在未来产生重大影响的决定。

例句:I’m currently at a crossroads – should I continue my career as an engineer, or should I pursue my dream of becoming a musician? 我目前需要做出一个决定——我应该继续作为一名工程师的职业生涯,还是应该追求成为音乐家的梦想?

2. jump on the bandwagon

(jump on the bandwagon = do what is popular:做流行的事)

英文解释:The word bandwagon comes from the 19th century and refers to a vehicle that carried the musical band for a circus. Because the circus was very popular, lots of people followed the bandwagon - so the expression "jump on the bandwagon" describes doing what is popular and what everyone else is doing. bandwagon这个词来自19世纪,指的是一种运载马戏团乐队的交通工具。因为马戏团很受欢迎,所以很多人都跟风。“jump on the bandwagon”这个短语描述的是做流行的事情,做其他人都在做的事情。

例句:More and more businesses are jumping on the social media bandwagon. It seems like every company has a Facebook or Twitter account nowadays. 越来越多的企业正在跳上社交媒体的热潮。现在好像每个公司都有一个Facebook或Twitter账号。

3. steer clear of

(steer clear of = avoid:避免)

英文解释:You use the steering wheel of a car to control the vehicle and steer away from dangerous obstacles - so the idiom "steer clear of" means to avoid something. It can be used in any situation, not just driving - for example: 你用汽车的方向盘来控制车辆,避开危险的障碍物--所以成语“steer clear of”意味着避开一些东西。它可以在任何情况下使用,而不仅仅是驾驶--例如:

例句1:"To lose weight, steer clear of fried foods." “为了减肥,远离油炸食品。” 

例句2:"Vanessa's in a terrible mood today - try to steer clear of her!”  “瓦内萨今天心情不好尽量避开她!!”

4. put the brakes on

(put the brakes on = slow the progress:放慢进度)

英文解释:The word brakes refers to the equipment used to stop or slow the movement of a vehicle such as a bike, car, motorcycle, or train - so putting the brakes on a project or a process means to slow it down. brakes这个词指的是用来停止或减缓交通工具(如自行车、汽车、摩托车或火车)运动的设备,所以把刹车放在一个项目或一个过程上意味着放慢速度。

例句:If the government doesn't do something to put the brakes on inflation, prices for basic food items are going to be outrageous by the end of next year. 如果政府不降低通货膨胀的速度的话,到明年年底,基本食品的价格将高得离谱。

