



UFOs and aliens are once again in the headlines this week, because NASA released a long-awaited report published by the team commissioned to study unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). 

However, the release of NASA's first UFO report wasn't the only story about possible non-human life forms to make headlines. 

Lawmakers in Mexico heard testimony this week about the presence of alien life on Earth that included two "corpses of extraterrestrials", the story has now gone wide.


1. UFO(unidentified flying object) 不明飞行物

2. alien /ˈeɪliən/ n. 外星人

· 注:日常表达中,不要用alien指”外国人“,带有一定的歧视意味,排外性。alien一般指“外国侨民”,而且必须定期到警察局等机构进行身份证、护照等方面的核对,因此多用在移民系统或者法律文件中。

3. sth. is in the headlines 或make the headlines 某件事上了头条、热搜

· headline /ˈhedlaɪn/ n. (抓人眼球的)新闻标题

· Famous people have always made the headlines when it comes to fund raising or supporting good causes.


4. long-awaited /ˌlɑːŋəˈweɪtɪd/ adj. 期待已久的

· 构词:long 时间久的,await(=wait for) 等待

· long-awaited new song 期待已久的新歌

· long-awaited iPhone 15 期待已久的苹果15手机

5. commission /kəˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ v. 委托(officially ask sb to do a task for you)

6. unidentified anomalous phenomena(UAP) 不明异常现象

· unidentified /ˌʌnaɪˈdentəfaɪd/ adj. 未知的,不明的

· anomalous /əˈnɑːmələs/ adj. 异常的,反常的

7. testimony /ˈtestəmoʊni/ n. 证词

· 词根testi=witness见证

8. presence /ˈprez(ə)ns/ n. 存在

· present /prɪˈzent/ v. 存在

9. extraterrestrial /ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl/ adj. 地外的,外星的

· extra /ˈekstrə/ adj. 额外的

· terrestrial /təˈrestriəl/adj. 地球上的,与地球相关的

10. go wide 广为流传

· go viral 走红

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