02. Oliver's first job(4)

02. Oliver's first job(4)


 'Did you want a coffin?'asked O liver,innocently.
  The charity-boy looked at him fiercely. 'You'll be needing a coffin soon,Workhouse,if you make jokes like that! I'm Mister Noah Claypole,and you're working under me.Now,hurry up and open the curtains!'As he said this, he kicked O liver and entered the shop.He was a big,clumsy boy of about fourteen, with a large head and very small eyes.Added to the se attractions were a red nose and dirty yellow trousers.
  The boys went down to breakfast, which the girl Charlotte had made for the m. She gave an extra piece of meat to Noah,the n told O liver to hurry up as it was his job to look after the shop.
  'Did you hear that,Workhouse?' shouted Noah.
  'He heard, Noah,'said Charlotte. 'Leave him alone.'
'Why?'asked Noah. 'All his relations have already left him alone. His mother and father aren't going to interfere with him!'Charlotte and Noah both started laughing loudly.O liver sat alone in the corner,eating old bits of bread.

  • 弗洛伊芳


    英语乐园 回复 @弗洛伊芳: 您好,这是书虫版系列读物。主播只是分享优质资源,所有上传专辑,并非主播朗读。

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