100 If I were you, I would/wouldn't... 我要是你,我. 我要是你就跟她道歉。If I were you, I would apologize to her. 我要是你就接受邀请。If I were you, I would accept the invitation. 我要是你就不会去那。If I were you, I wouldn't go there. 我要是你就不会那么做。If I were you, I wouldn't do this. 我要是你就不会放弃。If I were you, I wouldn't give up.
我要是你,我就会离她远一些! If I were you, I would stay away from her! 我要是你,就会去另找工作了。If I were you, I would start looking for another job. 我要是你,我不会这么麻烦他的。 If I were you, I wouldn't trouble him so much. 我要是你,我不会接受她的建议。If I were you, I wouldn't accept her suggestion. 我要是你,我不会通宵熬夜。If I were you, I wouldn't stay up all night.