096 All I need is... 我只想要......
我只想休息一会。All I need is a little rest.
我只想要点时间。All I need is more time.
我只想要5分钟。All I need is five minutes.
我只想要10美元。All I need is ten dollars.
我只想要你。All I need is you.
我只想要一部手机。All I need is a phone.
我只需要一个电话。All I need is a call.
我只要一辆车。All I need is a car.
我只要一次机会。All I need is an opportunity.
我需要的只是阳光、空气和水。All I need is sunshine, air and water.
096 All I need is... 我只想要...... 我只想休息一会。All I need is a little rest. 我只想要点时间。All I need is more time. 我只想要5分钟。All I need is five minutes. 我只想要10美元。All I need is ten dollars. 我只想要你。All I need is you. 我只想要一部手机。All I need is a phone. 我只需要一个电话。All I need is a call. 我只要一辆车。All I need is a car. 我只要一次机会。All I need is an opportunity. 我需要的只是阳光、空气和水。All I need is sunshine, air and water.