31走遍美国_A Place of Our Own ACT I

31走遍美国_A Place of Our Own ACT I


Ellen, I'd like your opinion. Ellen,


About what? 关于什么?

Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming   


we need to have our own place to live. 


Oh. 噢。

Well, what do you think about  Richard and me looking for a small house or an apartment at this point in our lives?  


We love having you here, 我们喜欢你们住这儿,

and there is room, 并且这儿有地方,

and ... and when the baby comes, 


the baby can stay in your room for a while. 


Richard feels we need to find a small house. 


I remember when I was pregnant with Richard.  


Philip and I were living with Grandma and Grandpa.  


Philip was a young doctor,  


and he kept talking about having a house of our own. 


It's natural. 这是很自然的。

What did you do? 那你们怎么办呢?

We looked at a lot of houses. 我们看了好多房子。

Did you find one?  找到合适的吗?

Oh, not at first. 噢,没有马上找到。

We couldn't afford it.  我们当时还负担不起。

Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one, 


but Philip is too independent. 


He didn't want to borrow any money. 他不想借钱。

Sounds like Richard. 听起来跟Richard一样。

They're all alike. 他们都是一个模子的。

Richard is a real Stewart.   


He's independent, 他的独立性强,

and sometimes just stubborn. 


When did you buy a house? 


After Richard was born. 等生下Richard之后。

I was teaching music, 我当时教音乐,

and Philip was opening his first medical office.  


Where was the house?  房子在什么地方?

Right here in Riverdale. 就在这Riverdale。

Of course, it was a small house, 


but just right for us. 但正好就够我们住。

It's funny. History repeats itself. 


Now Richard and I are having a baby, 

现在 Richard和我有了孩子,

and we probably won't be able to 


afford a house right away, either. 


Why don't you look at some houses, Marilyn? 


Good idea. 好主意。

Look in the real-estate section of Sunday's Times. 


You'll learn a lot. 你们会增长不少见识。

Maybe we should  也许我们应该

speak to a real-estate agent about a house. 


And a bank about a mortgage. 还要和银行谈谈。 

I'll talk to Richard about it. 


I think it's a good idea, Ellen. 


We can learn a lot by asking. 


And if I can be of any help,  


let me know. 尽管告诉我。

As a matter of fact, 事实上,

my friend Virginia Martinelli is a real-estate agent. 

我朋友Virginia Martinelli就是个房地产中介商。

Good. 好极了。

You won't believe this, 你简直不会相信,

but she sold us our first house and this one. 


Well, I'll tell Richard,  


and we'll go to see her. 我们会去找她。

Do you think the skirt length is right, Ellen?


Do you think it's too long?  你会不会觉得太长点?

I think the skirt is just right.  我觉得长度合适。

Are you planning to attach a train to it?


No. No train. Just the dress.


But I am going to make a headpiece of lace. 


That dress is gorgeous.这套服装真华丽。

Thanks, Ellen.  谢谢,Ellen。

And thanks for the advice about the house.


I'll talk to Richard about it 


the minute he comes home.一旦他回来的话。

And remember,  不过记住,

we love having you here. 我们喜欢你们住这儿。

There's no need to rush. 


  • 英语乐园

    I remember when I was pregnant with Richard. Philip and I were living with Grandma and Grandpa. Philip was a young doctor, and he kept talking about having a house of our own. It's natural.

    anne8 回复 @英语乐园: 谢谢分享

  • 英语乐园

    Well, what do you think about Richard and me looking for a small house or an apartment at this point in our lives?

  • 英语乐园

    Do you think it's too long? I think the skirt is just right. Are you planning to attach a train to it? No. No train. Just the dress. But I am going to make a headpiece of lace. That dress is gorgeous. Thanks, Ellen.

  • 英语乐园

    You won't believe this, but she sold us our first house and this one. Well, I'll tell Richard, and we'll go to see her. Do you think the skirt length is right, Ellen?

  • 英语乐园

    Ellen, I'd like your opinion. About what? Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming we need to have our own place to live. Oh.

  • 英语乐园

    but just right for us. It's funny. History repeats itself. Now Richard and I are having a baby, and we probably won't be able to afford a house right away, either. Why don't you look at some houses, Marilyn? Good idea.

  • 英语乐园


  • 英语乐园

    And thanks for the advice about the house. I'll talk to Richard about it the minute he comes home. And remember, we love having you here. There's no need to rush.

  • 英语乐园

    We love having you here, and there is room, and ... and when the baby comes, the baby can stay in your room for a while. Richard feels we need to find a small house.

  • 英语乐园

    We can learn a lot by asking. And if I can be of any help, let me know. As a matter of fact, my friend Virginia Martinelli is a real-estate agent. Good.