



Overworked and exhausted, Julie gave up her job as a game developer in Beijing to be a "full-time daughter".

Julie is part of a growing cohort that call themselves "full-time children" who are driven back to the comfort of home either because they are craving a break from their exhausting work lives, or they simply cannot find a job.


1. overworked /oʊvərˈwɜːrkt/ adj. 工作过度的,过分劳累的

· overwork /ˌoʊvərˈwɜːrk/ 工作过多,劳累过度(work too much)

2. exhausted /ɪɡˈzɑːstɪd/ adj. 极其疲惫不堪的(extremely tired)

· 拓展:加ed形容的是人的感受,表示感到如何,加ing结尾形容的是某件事给人带来如何的感受

3. give up 放弃;辞职(if you give up your job, you leave it)

· She gave up her job and started to write poetry.


4. full-time adj./adv. 全职的,全职地

· full-time job 全职工作

· work full-time 全职工作

5. cohort /ˈkoʊhɔːrt/ n. 有相同特征的一批人(人口学中的一个术语) 

6. drive /draɪv/ v. 迫使

· be driven back to 被迫回到

7. the comfort of home 舒舒服服地待在家中(in the comfort of your own home)

· You can sit back in the sofa and watch some films in the comfort of your own home.


8. either because A or B 要么是因为A,要么是因为B

9. crave a break from 渴望从……当中放个假,休息放松一下

· crave /kreɪv/ v. 渴望

· break /breɪk/ n. 休息

· have a break 休息一下

10. exhausting /ɪɡˈzɑːstɪŋ/ adj. 让人疲倦的

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