重新制定一年的新计划了!-New Year's Resolution(往期回顾)

重新制定一年的新计划了!-New Year's Resolution(往期回顾)


I’m planning to learn another language.


I’ve decided to start a company.


I’m determined to lose weight (to drop a dresssize) this year.


I’m going to spend more time with my family.


Quit something/doing something


I’ve decided to quit social media.   


I’m going to quit drinking.    (Dry January)


Cut down on something


I’m planning to cut down on carbs thisyear.   


Top New Year’s Resolution Ideas


Stop procrastinating                戒掉拖延症


Spend more quality time with the peoplethat matter   和在乎的人多点优质时光


Stay in shape                             保持身材


Drink in moderation                 适度饮酒


Learn to dress with style          提升衣品


Get over an ex                           忘掉前任


Find a significant other            找到你重要的另一半


Learn to let go of grudges        放下怨恨


Volunteer and give more to charity    多做义工,多支持慈善事业


Become more self-reliant         更多依靠自己


Face your insecurities               直面你的不安全感




SMART principles in making plans



S- Specific            具体


M-Measurable   可量化


A-Attainable       可以实现


R-Relevant           与其它人生目标有相关性


T-Time-bound      有时间节点


e.g. I am going to read 10 articles from the Economist every week and write down/learn 5 expressions from each article,because this will improve my style of writing in English and keep up-to-datewith world affairs and new development. I will set aside 30 minutes to do thiseveryday and try to read about 2 articles a day.

  • 海阔天空S1111


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @海阔天空S1111: 哇!!真为你开心!

  • Lmm_g2

    越来越喜欢这个节目了,每天听璐璐英文小酒馆是我的2018年的一个new year resolution. 祝璐璐英文小酒馆在2018年越办越精彩!

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @Lmm_g2: 这个resolution好,我们每天约在酒馆见~

  • 菜农_7l


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @菜农_7l: 谢谢你的祝福,我是希望把语言做成文化和日常话题有机自然的组成部分,所以经常会加各种调料哦,你能喜欢太好了~

  • iCyclone

    一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春! 昨晚在璐璐的直播间学会了SMART: SMART is an acronym used to help set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. It is a tool used by individuals and organizations to create clear and actionable plans. 确实是很实用的知识,谢谢啦!

  • 听友475643274


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @听友475643274: grudge?

  • Cindy_2008


  • 厚积薄发_hd


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @厚积薄发_hd: 恩,一起加油

  • 拾壹粤

    Find a fancy job and a significant other during the period of coronavirus in 2020.

  • Fenwaye


  • 阿卡_iu
