


This topic reminds me ofour quickgetaway(匆匆逃跑)in Sanya, China's premier beach destination, inlast year. From Guangzhou, we reached Hainan after 13 hours by train then wecontinued the journey around the west coast of Sanya Island. Everything wassmoothsailing(一帆风顺)not until we had already reached the islandport. We suddenly felt puzzled about getting around our transient hotel becausethe e-map wascrashing(撞)and seemed to have a temporary loading issueeven though we tried it many times. The e-map was giving us wrong placenavigation and tracking. Everyone started to panic and strain because all of myfriends were not familiar with the place, and so did I. I decided topullmyself together(恢复镇定)and voluntarily asked one passenger for theexact way to our hotel. Thankfully, she was familiar with the place andexplained to me thoroughly how to find our way. Luckily, we eventually saw thelandmark and arrived at our hotel. Whatroller-coaster emotions(大起大落)we had in thatjourney! We felt terribly disappointed and frightened at first but wemanaged to deal with the problem. One of the top adventures on my wish list isto have an exhilarating sea swim with my closest friends in the boundlesswaters of Sanya. It's something I've always envisioned as the ultimate coolexperience. However, despite being in Sanya already, the adventure never cameto fruition. Right upon my arrival, I was hit with a high fever, and my holidayturned into an unexpected staycation confined to the hotel. It was quite adisappointment, but sometimeslife throws unexpected curveballs(生活总是出人意料).

