格林童话 灰姑娘 第4节|英语名著

格林童话 灰姑娘 第4节|英语名著


Now if came to pass that the king ordained a festival that should last for three days, and to which all the beautiful young women of that country were bidden, so that the king's son might choose a bride from among them. When the two stepdaughters heard that they too were bidden to appear, they felt very pleased, and they called Cinderella, and said, "Comb our hair, brush our shoes, and make our buckles fast, we are going to the wedding feast at the king's castle." Cinderella, when she heard this, could not help crying, for she too would have liked to go to the dance, and she begged her step-mother to allow her. "What, you Cinderella!" said she, "in all your dust and dirt, you want to go to the festival! you that have no dress and no shoes! you want to dance!" But as she persisted in asking, at last the step-mother said, "I have strewed a dish-full of lentils in the ashes, and if you can pick them all up again in two hours you may go with us." Then the maiden went to the backdoor that led into the garden, and called out, "O gentle doves, O turtle-doves, And all the birds that be, The lentils that in ashes lie Come and pick up for me!

The good must be put in the dish,
The bad you may eat if you wish."

国王为了给自己的儿子选择未婚妻,准备举办一个为期三天的盛大宴会,邀请了不少年青漂亮的姑娘来参加。 王子打算从这些参加舞会的姑娘中选一个作自己的新娘。 灰姑娘的两个姐姐也被邀请去参加。 她们把她叫来说道:"现在来为我们梳好头发,擦亮鞋子,系好腰带,我们要去参加国王举办的舞会。"她按她们的要求给她们收拾打扮完毕后,禁不住哭了起来,因为她自己也想去参加舞会。 她苦苦哀求她的继母让她去,可继母说道:"哎哟!灰姑娘,你也想去?你穿什么去呀!你连礼服也没有,甚至连舞也不会跳,你想去参加什么舞会啊?"灰姑娘不停地哀求着,为了摆脱她的纠缠,继母最后说道:"我把这一满盆碗豆倒进灰堆里去,如果你在两小时内把它们都拣出来了,你就可以去参加宴会。"说完,她将一盆碗豆倒进灰烬里,扬长而去。 灰姑娘没办法,只好跑出后门来到花园里喊道:
飞来吧! 飞到这里来吧!
飞来吧! 快快飞到这里来吧!
快快拣出灰中的碗豆来吧! "



Then there came to the kitchen-window two white doves, and after them some turtle-doves, and at last a crowd of all the birds under heaven, chirping and fluttering, and they alighted among the ashes; and the doves nodded with their heads, and began to pick, peck, pick, peck, and then all the others began to pick, peck, pick, peck, and put all the good grains into the dish. Before an hour was over all was done, and they flew away. Then the maiden brought the dish to her step-mother, feeling joyful, and thinking that now she should go to the feast; but the step-mother said, "No, Cinderella, you have no proper clothes, and you do not know how to dance, and you would be laughed at!" And when Cinderella cried for disappointment, she added, "If you can pick two dishes full of lentils out of the ashes, nice and clean, you shall go with us," thinking to herself, "for that is not possible." When she had strewed two dishes full of lentils among the ashes the maiden went through the backdoor into the garden, and cried, "O gentle doves, O turtle-doves, And all the birds that be, The lentils that in ashes lie Come and pick up for me!

The good must be put in the dish,
The bad you may eat if you wish."

先飞来的是从厨房窗子进来的两只白鸽,跟着飞来的是两只斑鸠,接着天空中所有的小鸟都叽叽喳喳地拍动着翅膀,飞到了灰堆上。 小白鸽低下头开始在灰堆里拣起来,一颗一颗地拣,不停地拣! 其它的鸟儿也开始拣,一颗一颗地拣,不停地拣! 它们把所有的好豆子都从灰里拣出来放到了一个盘子里面,只用一个小时就拣完了。 她向它们道谢后,鸟雀从窗子里飞走开了。 她怀着兴奋的心情,端着盘子去找继母,以为自己可以去参加舞宴了。 但她却说道:"不行,不行!你这个邋遢女孩,你没有礼服,不会跳舞,你不能去。"灰姑娘又苦苦地哀求她让她去。 继母这次说道:"如果你能在一个小时之内把这样的两盘碗豆从灰堆里拣出来,你就可以去了。"她满以为这次可以摆脱灰姑娘了,说完将两盘碗豆倒进了灰堆里,还搅和了一会,然后得意洋洋地走了。 但小姑娘又跑到屋后的花园里和前次一样地喊道:
飞来吧! 飞到这里来吧!
飞来吧! 快快飞到这里来吧!
快快拣出灰中的碗豆来吧! "

