


The Missing Gloves

This year, my mom made me a new pair of gloves for my birthday. That day, I wore them to the skating rink.
It got quite warm. Everyone took off their heavy coats and hats. I took off my new gloves. I put them safely in my jacket and skated around in my sweater.
When it was time to go home I picked up my jacket. But my gloves were gone!
I could not believe it. I went home and told my parents. They were upset with me.I felt terrible.
Later that evening, the doorbell rang. It was a boy from school. He had the exact same jacket as me.l had accidentally picked up the wrong jacket!
“Missing these?” he asked as he handed me my gloves and jacket. I had never been so happy to see a pair of gloves in my whole life!
  • 听友416062145


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