Everyday Idioms unit 1 一天之计在于晨

Everyday Idioms unit 1 一天之计在于晨


wake up 醒来

Ginger usually wakes up before her parents, but this morning they had to wake her up.

Sometimes after I wake up, I lie in bed for a while before I finally get up.

crack of dawn 破晓

During the busy harvest season, farmers get up at the crack of dawn and don't stop working until dusk.

go off 响起

When the alarm goes off in the morning, I jump out of bed immediately.

Jack was late to work because he didn't hear the buzzer go off.

not sleep a wink 没合眼

The Wilsons couldn't sleep a wink the first night they spent in their new house.

The children were so excited about opening presents on Christmas Day that they hardly slept a wink on Christmas Eve.

sleep like a log 睡得很香

 =sleep like a baby

I didn't wake up once last night, I must have slept like a log.

Maria can sleep like a baby in almost any place, including airplanes and cars.

take a shower 洗澡

After easy exercise I take a shower, but after serious exercise I take a bath to relax my muscles.

get ready 做好准备

It takes Linda about an hour to get ready for work if she hurries.

The first thing I do to get ready in the morning is to shave.

get someone going 让人振奋

There's nothing like a good cup of coffee to get me going in the morning.

Charlie likes to jog every morning to get himself going.

start the day off (right) 开始美好的一天

I usually start the day off by having some tea and reading the newspaper.

Some people like to exercise to start the day off right.

sleep in 赖床

On the weekends, many people like to sleep in.

Josh chose to sleep in after staying up late the night before.

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  • 清新微笑_8a


    薇观英语 回复 @清新微笑_8a: 你好,语言的基础是发音,尤其如果特别想学好口语,就需要知道英语的发音规则和规律,有了正确的语音概念,再学词句就会比较顺利。推荐我的另一个节目:见词能读听词会拼的精准英文发音,相信会有收获。👍