5 days to improve your pronunciation Day5

5 days to improve your pronunciation Day5


Here is Tim's question for you today:

Who stole the ring?

To find the answer to this question you need to watch Episode 4 from from the Inspector Stone detective story.

Tim's Homework

 As this is the last day of this special week, there is no homework - just a reminder of Tim's top tops for improving your pronunciation:

1.Get familiar with the symbols; they are really helpful.

2.Use physical or online dictionaries to learn the pronunciation of new words.

3.Practise in front of a mirror.

Record yourself and watch/listen back. It's so easy to do these days if you have a smartphone or webcam.

4.Make notes about the pronunciation when recording new vocabulary.

5.Don't worry about achieving perfect native-speaker pronunciation; aim to be clear. Speaking a little more slowly can help.

6.Make use of the resources on BBC Learning English to find more videos, tips and ideas to help.

