abupt and unethical,and, through his coldness, of destroying his husband’s confidence, buffet at almost 32, had not yet learned2 fire peoplewith empathy
Haystacks of gold.沒有任何累赘的早起步是個很大的優勢
Buffet had always hustle investors in an understated way.
Demeaning 降低身份有损人格
thewindmillwars abupt and unethical,and, through his coldness, of destroying his husband’s confidence, buffet at almost 32, had not yet learned2 fire peoplewith empathy Haystacks of gold.沒有任何累赘的早起步是個很大的優勢 Encumberance Buffet had always hustle investors in an understated way. Demeaning 降低身份有损人格