Blue Goose 蓝色的鹅(中英双语)

Blue Goose 蓝色的鹅(中英双语)




Blue Goose

 While FarmerGray was away, Blue Goose, Red hen, Yellow Chick, and White Duck decided topaint their barnyard.

White Duckpainted the fence white.

And YellowChick painted all the flowers yellow.

Red Hen paintedthe barn red. Blue Goose painted the roof blue.

Blue Goose andHen poured blue and red together to paint the doors purple.

Red Hen helped YellowChick mix red and yellow to paint the shutters orange.

Blue Goose andWhite Duck painted the sky light blue.

Then YellowChick and Blue Goose made green to paint the grass and trees.

 “What about the sun?” cried Chick.

They though,and though, and though. Until---

Duck climbed onGoose. Hen climbed on Duck.

Chick climbedon Hen, and Chick painted the sun yellow!

 “What about the tractor?” cried Chick.

Red Hen paintedit just in the nick of time.

 “It’s finished.”shouted Blue Goose, Red Hen, Yellow Chick, White Duck.

The barnyardwas filled with color.

They were readyto say—“SURPRISE!” to their Farmer Gray.

And when it wastime for bed, what did Goose do?

She paintedeverything blue---except for the moon.

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