拓展模块U9 Health and Diseases 课文2 只读版 ~ AIDS 艾滋病

拓展模块U9 Health and Diseases 课文2 只读版 ~ AIDS 艾滋病


拓展模块Unit 9 课文2 只读版

AIDS 艾滋病

1 Several months ago, I visited a friend who was hospitalized with AIDS.I asked the doctor whether I needed to take any precautions.“You’re more of a risk to him than he is to you,” said the doctor.“You might have a cold or some infection. That would be very serious for him,because he has no resistance.”The risk to me, the doctor said, was almost none.

2 AIDS is the plague of the 20th century.It is a disease caused by a virus – HIV.Within one to three weeks after infection with HIV,most people experience flu-like symptoms,such as fever,sore throat,headache, skin rash,and a feeling of discomfort.These symptoms last one to four weeks.During this period,HIV reproduces rapidly in the blood.The virus circulates in the blood throughout the body.HIV destroys that person's immune system,leaving him with no ability to fight off germs and viruses. Gradually,the person will become very weak, get infected and die.

3AIDS can be spread in many ways.It is transmitted mainly through the following ways: sexual contacts, infected blood transfusions,and sharing of infected needles among drug users.You don't have to worry when you are with an AIDS patient or an HIV carrier because AIDS is not transmitted through hand-shaking and breathing.

4Scientists worldwide have been trying to develop a drug to kill HIV.Until now,they have not yet found a solution.But AIDS can be prevented.Therefore it is of vital importance to educate people, especially young people on AIDS prevention.

5 One of the most prevalent myths about HIV transmission is that mosquitoes or other bloodsucking insects, can infect you.There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.To understand why a mosquito does not aid in the transmission of HIV,let us look at the insect’s biting behavior.

6 When a mosquito bites someone, it does not inject its own blood or the blood of a previously bitten animal or person into the next person it bites.The mosquito does however inject its saliva, which acts as a lubricant so that it can feed more effectively.Yellow fever and malaria are transmitted in this way,but HIV does not reproduce in insects, so the virus will not survive in the mosquito long enough to be transmitted through its saliva.In addition, a mosquito does not normally travel from one person to another after ingesting blood.It needs time to digest its blood meal before moving on.

拓展模块Unit 9 课文2 只读版AIDS艾滋病


2艾滋病是20世纪的瘟疫。它是由一种病毒   HIV引起的。在感染HIV后的一到三个星期内,大多数人会经历类似流感的症状,例如发烧、咽喉疼痛、头疼、出现皮疹和不舒适感。这些症状持续一到四周。在此期间,HIV在血液中迅速再生。病毒在血液中循环,传遍周身。

3 HIV摧毁那人的免疫系统,使其没有能力抵抗细菌和病毒。这个人就会慢慢地变得很虚弱,感染疾病而死亡。





