1.doting father 女儿奴 宠女儿
spoil his daughter 食物坏了
2.spare the rod and spoil the child 棍棒底下出孝子
3.on behalf of someone 代表某人
4.啃老族 NEET
Not currently engaged in employment,education or training.5.take/have a knock 遭遇挫折6.sexism 性别歧视 -ism 主义 socialism racism7.have an equal shot 有同等机会8.beat the odds 克服困难
1.doting father 女儿奴 宠女儿 spoil his daughter 食物坏了 2.spare the rod and spoil the child 棍棒底下出孝子 3.on behalf of someone 代表某人 4.啃老族 NEET Not currently engaged in employment,education or training.5.take/have a knock 遭遇挫折6.sexism 性别歧视 -ism 主义 socialism racism7.have an equal shot 有同等机会8.beat the odds 克服困难