4.10 美音朗读版

4.10 美音朗读版

  • MissFang0000

    Sometimes you will have to leave your comfort zone and you will feel uncertain and uncomfortable. That is OK. In my case, those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most.

  • 听友289674980

    Sometimes you will have to leave your comfort zone, and you will feel uncertain and uncomfortable. That’s okay. In my case, those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most.

  • 可见光_vj

    Sometimes you will have to leaver your comfort zone and you will fell uncerten and uncomfortable that’s ok in my case those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most

  • x小希x

    Sometimes you will have to leave your comfort zone, and you will feel uncertain and uncomfortable. That is ok. In my case, those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most.

  • Sam1123

    Sometimes you will have to leave your comfort zone,and you'll feel uncerten and uncomfortable ,that is ok,in my case those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most.

  • 1398325eiqp

    Sometimes you will have to leave your comfort zone and you will feel uncertain and uncomfortable. That is OK. In my case, those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most.

  • 13407155709

    Sometimes you will have to leave your comfort zone and you will feel uncertain and uncomfortable. That is OK. In my case, those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most.