China and Brazil have reached a deal to trade in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian government said Wednesday.
"The expectation is that this will reduce costs... promote even greater bilateral trade and facilitate investment," the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency said in a statement.
1. reach a deal 达成协议
· reach /riːtʃ/ v. 实现,达到
· reach a conclusion 得出结论
· reach a compromise 达成妥协
2. trade /treɪd/ v. 进行贸易 n. 贸易
3. currency /ˈkʌrənsi/ n. 货币
4. ditch /dɪtʃ/ v. 放弃,抛弃
· 近义表达:get rid of, abandon
· ditch the plan 放弃计划
· ditch the two-timer and start again 甩掉劈腿渣男,重新开始
5. intermediary /ˌɪntərˈmiːdiəri/ n. 中间人,媒介
· a financial intermediary 金融中介
6. bilateral trade 双边贸易
· 构词:bi-前缀表示数量“二”
· bilateral /ˌbaɪˈlætər(ə)l/ adj. 双边的,双方的
· bilateral relations 双边关系
7. facilitate /fəˈsɪləteɪt/ v. 促进,使便利
· facilitate economic growth 促进经济发展
· facilitate learning 促进学习
· facilitate investment 促进投资
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