NO. 97 Open AI 发布GPT-4

NO. 97 Open AI 发布GPT-4


GPT-4 takes what you prompt it with and just runs with it.


From one perspective, it's a tool, a thing you can use to get useful tasks done in language.


From another perspective, it's a system that can make dreams, thoughts, ideas, flourish in text in front of you.


GPT-4 is incredibly advanced and sophisticated.


It can take in and generate up to 25,000 words of text, around eight times more than ChatGPT.

它可以接收和生成多达25,000字的文本,大约是ChatGPT 的8倍。

It understands images and can express logical ideas about them.


For example, it can tell us that if the strings in this image were cut, the balloons would fly away.


This is the place where you just get turbocharged by these AIs.


They're not perfect.


They make mistakes, and so you really need to make sure that you  know  the work is being done to your level of expectation.


But I think that it is fundamentally about amplifying what every person is able to do.


GPT-4 training finished last August and everything that's been happening in the past few months up until we've released it, has been a giant sprint to make it safer, more aligned, and also more useful.

GPT-4 于去年8月结束训练,在我们发布它之前的几个月里所做的一切努力都是在进行最后的冲刺,让它更可靠,更准确,也更有用。

We have put in already a lot of internal guardrails around things like adversarial usage, unwanted content, and privacy concerns, and when we release a model, we know things are not done.

我们已经在内部设置了很多规定,比如对抗性使用,不受欢迎的内容,以及隐私问题,在我 们发布首个模型后,我们知道一切还没有结束。

We know  we have to learn.


We know we have to update.


We know we have to keep improving all the systems around it to make it suitablefor society.


To me, the most compelling use cases of these technologies will come fromstarting with a real human need.

我认为GPT-4 最吸引人的使用案例还是从人类的需求出发。

The obvious one where these systems have really incredible potential is in education.


GPT-4 can teach a huge range of subjects.

GPT-4 可以教授很多学科。

Imagine giving a fifth grader a personal math tutor with unlimited time andpatience.


It's a great tool to bring learning to everyone in a way that is personalized to their skill level. 


GPT-4 brings the dream of having the most useful, helpful assistant to life.

GPT-4 让拥有最有用、最有帮助的助手的梦想成为现实。

It's really about adding as much value to everyday life as possible.


The partnership that OpenAI has with Microsoft is to shape this technology into something that's going to be useful for the world.

OpenAI 与微软的合作将会把这项技术塑造成对世界有用的东西。

The power of AI hopefully is that it can help us be more  productive, which ultimately leads to better quality of life.


The development of the transistor of the computer, of the internet, the semiconductor industry, all the programming languages, everything  came together to produce AI technology.

计算机晶体管的发展,网络的发展,半导体行业的发展,以及所有编程语言,这一切一起创 造了人工智能技术。

And while it is very limited, it is already easy to imagine what the impact of asuccessor many generations down the line will look like.


We think that GPT-4 will be the world's first experience with a highly capable andadvanced AI system.

我们认为GPT-4 将是世界上最先进、能力最强的人工智能系统。

So we really care about this model being useful to everyone, not just the earl y adopters or people very close to technology.


So it is really important to us that as many people as possible participate so that we can learn more about how it can be helpful to everyone.


