


there was a little girl named Emily who loved playing outside in the sunshine. She would run and jump and play with her toys in the grass, and she loved exploring the world around her.

One day, as Emily was playing in the park, she noticed that there was a tree that looked sad and lonely. Its leaves were droopy and it didn't seem to have any friends nearby. Emily felt sad for the tree and wanted to do something to help.

So, she went home and got a watering can filled with water. She brought it back to the park and poured the water around the base of the tree. Then, she sat down next to the tree and started talking to it.

"Hi, tree," she said. "I'm Emily. I'm your friend now. I want to help you feel better." Emily talked to the tree for a while, telling it about her day and her favorite toys. She even sang a little song to the tree.
“你好,树。”她说,“我叫艾米莉,我是你的朋友。我想帮助你感觉更好。” 艾米莉跟树聊了一会儿,告诉它她的一天过得如何以及她最喜欢的玩具。她甚至给树唱了一首小歌。

After a while, Emily went home, but she didn't forget about her new friend. Every day, she came back to the park with her watering can and gave the tree more water. She talked to the tree and sang to it, and she even brought some of her toys to play with next to the tree.

Slowly but surely, the tree started to look better. Its leaves perked up and it started growing new branches. Birds and squirrels started coming to the tree to play, and it became a happy and lively part of the park.

Emily felt proud of herself for helping the tree, and she was happy to have a new friend. She learned that even the smallest actions, like watering a tree, can make a big difference in the world.

