(双语文稿) 包办婚姻比自由恋爱更靠谱?

(双语文稿) 包办婚姻比自由恋爱更靠谱?



Think arranged marriages are loveless? Not so, says psychologist Robert Epstein, a contributing editor for Scientific American MIND magazine. He spoke March 10 at the 92nd Street Y’s Tribeca site in New York City:

包办婚姻根本就没有爱情?心理学家、《科学美国人·心理》(Scientific American MIND)杂志的特约编辑罗伯特·爱泼斯坦(Robert Epstein)可不这么认为。以下是他的看法:

“And there’s even a study published in India [Usha Gupta and Pushpa Singh of the University of Rajasthan, 1982] but using an American love scale, called the Rubin Love Scale, that compared love in love marriages in India, because they have those, too, to love in arranged marriages. And in this particular study, love in the love marriages starts out very high. And then over time it decreases. That’s what all of our studies show. And in the arranged marriages—and this is true in my work, too—we see the love starting out relatively low. Because in some cases the people barely know each other, sometimes they’ve had a half an hour of contact in total before they got married. And then it increases gradually, surpasses the love in the love marriages at about five years. And 10 years out it’s twice as strong.”

“印度甚至有过这么一篇研究论文,利用名曰‘鲁宾爱情量表’(Rubin Love Scale)的美式爱情标准来对比包办婚姻(印度特色)和自由婚姻的爱情指数。研究人员发现,自由婚姻一开始浓情似火,但会随着时间降温——所有研究得出的结果都是这样的。“至于包办婚姻,一开始确实几乎没什么火花——我们的研究结果也是如此。有些人在结婚的时候几乎不认识另一半,有的刚认识半小时就被赶进洞房了。可是5年后,包办婚姻的爱火竟然渐渐烧过了自由婚姻;而10年后,包办婚姻中的感情竟比通过自由婚姻结合在一起的恋人的感情好上两倍。”

