No one can hurt me, for I am the only one that can hurt myself

No one can hurt me, for I am the only one that can hurt myself


No one can hurt me, for I am the only one that can hurt myself.

No one can hurt you means, no matter what you do or what you say, I will interpret it however I choose and will allow myself to feel pain for as long as I think it serves me, then I will get on with my life.

I may choose to feel hurt and I am clear that you are not the one who is inflicting the pain. . . I am. This is by far the more mature way to handle the hurt - to be with the hurt. This new thought is, in the beginning, difficult for some to understand. Some reject the idea totally. To acknowledge this truth and to live your life by it can open up new opportunities for you to contribute to others.

When someone says or does something hurtful we most often choose to feel hurt. It doesn't have to be that way. And it is okay to express how you feel. It is not healthy to stay stuck with the hurt. Choosing to feel hurt; to dwell on the pain; to go to the extreme of inviting guests to your "pity party" is an unhealthy attitude. Learn how to not to let yourself hurt you.

  • 向RI葵


    岚一心 回复 @向RI葵: 内强则刚

  • 焦溏拿铁


    岚一心 回复 @焦溏拿铁: 哈哈哈说的太好了