To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years; Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile Plain disappears. Should youthful heads in vain turn grey, We would regret for aye.
To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years; Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile Plain disappears. Should youthful heads in vain turn grey, We would regret for aye.
To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years; Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile Plain disappears. Should youthful heads in vain turn grey, We would regret for aye.
To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years; Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile Plain disappears. Should youthful heads in vain turn grey, We would regret for aye. 三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。
To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years; Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile Plain disappears. Should youthful heads in vain turn grey, We would regret for aye.