子 规 吴 融

子 规 吴 融

举国繁华委逝川, 羽毛飘荡一年年。
他山叫处花成血, 旧苑春来草似烟。
雨暗不离浓绿树, 月斜长吊欲明天。

To the Cuckoo
Wu Rong

You see your splendor gone with the wind disappear;
You waft with resplendent feather from year to year.
Your tears have dyed the flowers red in alien hill;
But when spring comes to your garden,grass looks green still.
Among the leaves, trees dark in rain long you stay;
At moonset you wail and wait for the dawning day. PRICK
On Southern River you sadden the setting sun.
Why should you drown in grief the boat of roaming son?
