[EN] 对话LinkedIn设计师:美妙的办公室装修,能让人爱上上班吗?

[EN] 对话LinkedIn设计师:美妙的办公室装修,能让人爱上上班吗?


    如今,越来越多的公司开始“卷”办公室的装修了:那些或大气或优雅的室内装潢不但彰显了企业的实力与理念,也把自家员工和慕名而来的求职者拿捏得死死的:毕竟上班族的一生大概有1/3的时间都在办公室里度过,办公室堪称他们的第二个家,谁不想住的好一些?有些公司甚至还给员工配备了健身房、按摩椅、冥想室、狗狗日托、屋顶花园…但即使条件再诱人,近几年的办公室”上座率”却在持续走低:因为很多人早被「远程办公」或「混合办公」模式“惯”坏了 。


Could A Cooler Office Win Remote Workers Back, with Cherish Rosas

One of those cool perks at tech companies is their joyful office space. Open floor plans, game rooms, and even a rooftop garden to relax in. It’s not just for fun; it’s about branding, attracting top talents and increasing productivity. Even though the pandemic has receded, these stylish spaces are often half empty since few can resist the comforts of working remotely. Are companies still interested in upgrading their physical offices? Is it still the staple of business? What does it take to attract people back?

In this episode, Lulu talks with Cherish Rosas, a Global Design Manager Lead @LinkedIn who has been elevating workplace experience across many LinkedIn campuses, from New York’s high-rises to Silicon Valley’s sprawling estates. How does her team add regional flavors to different office locations? What’s her visions of post-pandemic workplaces?

You’ll hear about:
* How did LinkedIn build its offices? 
* What cool things do LinkedIn’s offices have? 
* What is inclusive design and how do we create an inclusive workplace?
* As hybrid work becomes the new normal, do companies still think office space is a good investment?

Music credits:
Eric Godlow - Lovely

小宇宙/喜马拉雅/网易云音乐 @斜杠青年研究所/@心心念的
Apple Podcasts/Spotify @Dedicated (搜索“dedicated lulu”更容易找到呦)

