



我只是  给  拿着 I-I just- Here. Come-

莉莉  你看积木 Lily. Look at the block, huh?

把积木拿起来  莉莉 Grab the block, Lily.

-抓着H  -该你上场了莉莉 - Grab the "H." - Dance us in, Lily!

-好的  我来搞定  -小卡 - Okay. I got this. - Cam, just-

我知道  要压抑我的天赋 Yes, I know. Tamp down my natural gifts

然后像个直男一样跳舞 and dance like a straight guy.

不许拍屁屁 No slapping your own butt.

可不拍屁屁我怎么舞得起来 But that's how I make my horsey go.

谢谢大家 Thank you.

跳得很好 That was very good.

感觉很卑鄙 I feel dirty.

-你好  -嘿  你好 - 0h, hey. - Hey! Hi.

-嗨  -嗨 - Hi. - Hi.

真令人难堪 Uh, this is really embarrassing,

我把自己锁在外面了 but I locked myself out of my house.

噢  我总做这种傻事  别不好意思 0h! Pssh! I do that all the time. Don't be embarrassed.

我想  你能不能帮帮我 I was- I was hoping you could help me.

有扇窗子开着  可我够不着 There's a window open, but I can't reach it.

能帮我吗 Would you mind?

-好的  没问题  -太好了 - Yeah. Yeah. Sure. - Great.

当然  你知道有句俗话说 0f course. You know what they say-

"每当上帝关上一扇门  他就打开一扇窗" "Every time God closes a door, he opens a window."

不过对你的话  是他每次都把你锁在外面 0r I guess in this case, every time he locks you out.

好的  情况如何 Okay, what do we got here?

