The United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain,England—many people are confused by what these different names mean. So what isthe difference between them, if any? Getting to know a little bit about Britishhistory will help you solve this puzzle.
In the 16th century, the nearby country ofWales was joined to the Kingdom of England. Later, in the 18th century, thecountry Scotland was joined to create the Kingdom of Great Britain. In the 19thcentury, the Kingdom of Ireland was added to create the United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Ireland. Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Irelandbroke away from the UK, which resulted in the full name we have today: theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Most people just use theshortened name: “the United Kingdom” or “the UK”. People from the UK are called“British”, which means the UK is also often referred to as Britain or GreatBritain.
The four countries that belong to theUnited Kingdom work together in some areas. They use the same flag, known asthe Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence.However, they also have some differences. For example, England, Wales,Scotland, and Northern Ireland all have different education systems and legalsystems. They also have their own traditions, like their own national days andnational dishes. And they even have their own football teams for competitionslike the World Cup!
The United Kingdom has a long andinteresting history to explore, which can help you understand much more aboutthe country and its traditions. Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will besurrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over atdifferent times throughout history. The first group, the Romans, came in thefirst century. Some of their great achievements included building towns androads. Next, the Anglo-Saxons arrived in the fifth century. They introduced thebeginnings of the English language, and changed the way people built houses.The Vikings came in the eighth century, left behind lots of new vocabulary, andalso the names of many locations across the UK. The last group were theNormans. They conquered England after the well-known Battle of Hastings in the11th century. They had castles built all around England, and made changes tothe legal system. The Normans were French, so many French words slowly enteredinto the English language.
There is so much more to learn about theinteresting history and culture of the United Kingdom. Studying the history ofthe country will make your visit much more enjoyable. The capital city Londonis a great place to start, as it is an ancient port city that has a historydating all the way back to Roman times. There are countless historic sites toexplore, and lots of museums with ancient relics from all over the UK. The UKis a fascinating mix of history and modern culture, with both new and oldtraditions. If you keep your eyes open, you will be surprised to find that youcan see both its past and its present.