中英双语讲中国故事《潮汕功夫茶》 思仪

中英双语讲中国故事《潮汕功夫茶》 思仪


潮州工夫茶是国家级“非物质文化遗产”。潮藉大文学家秦牧称 “潮州工夫茶,堪称中国茶道代表”。潮州工夫茶是“潮人习尚风雅,举措高超”的象征。这是潮州先人留下的一份财富,也是中国茶文化一绝,乃中国古代工夫茶的“活化石”。


Gongfu Tea is a way of brewing tea in Chaozhou, Guangdong province. In Chinese the word “gongfu” means "skill" and "patience" because making Gongfu Tea requires skills and time. To brew the tea, we must prepare a tea set which includes a teapot, a kettle, small teacups, a heater and a base. There are many steps to make Gongfu Tea. For example, we need to warm the tea set, put tea leaves and pour boiling water into the teapot, and remove tea bubbles. Before drinking the tea, we can look at the colour and smell the fragrance of it.

In Chaozhou, people like to drink Gongfu Tea in the morning, which makes them feel fresh. More importantly, drinking Gongfu Tea is an ideal way to communicate with others. Friends or families sit together and chat with each other while one of them is making tea. Research shows that tea is good for our health. Therefore, Gongfu Tea is not only a way of brewing tea but also a healthy and important lifestyle.
