AEE 1878- How to Chat About Getting Away in English

AEE 1878- How to Chat About Getting Away in English


This is an allyers English podcast episode 1878 how to chat about getting away in English.
Welcome to the all ears. English podcast downloaded more than 200 million times. Are you
feeling stopped with your English? We'll show you how to become fearless and fluent by
focusing on connection, not perfection with your American host.
Aubrey, Carter the aisles with and Lindsay McMahon, the English adventure, coming to you
from Arizona and Colorado, you SA and to get your transcripts delivered by email every
week, go to all ears. forward, slash subscribe. Do you need to get away to day?
Find out exactly how native English speakers.
Use this high level phrasal verb to talk about their trips with their colleagues so that you can
do it too. Hello Aubrey. How you doing today? I'm great Lindsay, how are you? Oh, my god.
I'm feeling good. We both got our fancy new mics going on. So if our listeners want to check
that out, they can come over to YouTube, right?
Aubrey. Yeah, so you can see the fancy mites. I feel very important with this JF, Mike. I love
it. I love it. So good. What are we getting into today? I heard that you just got back from
Rocky Point, is that right, right with a nice to get away.
Aubrey has, it was so nice to get away. It's only like a three and a half hour drive from where
I live in Phoenix, to be in, Mexico on the beach was crazy and it was actually amazing. I
shared this over an ice energy. If you guys aren't listening over there, you haven't heard this
It was the best for my Spanish for the first time. Every time I spoke Spanish to someone,
they responded in Spanish because a lot of people, there's English better than I speak
Spanish. It's a really nice supporter. Yeah, and a few people in my Spanish and that feels
like a huge compliment for them to respond in Spanish, it's amazing English, so fun.
Oh, that is so good. What a good feeling of having a sense of mastery and another
language, right? You feel like you can do anything, right? If you can those doors of
connection open for you. And there's a whole world open to you, that someone that doesn't
speak that language.
Just doesn't have access to. Yes, I know you guys out there know this feeling when you're
speaking English, just someone and they're speaking with back and they're happy to speak
with you, it's still good and you're able to connect and start chatting about friends or
whatever and laughing and oh my heck.

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