


There’s a huge association between having enough zinc in your body and having your immune system work properly. Almost at every single level of your immune defenses zinc is involved and if you wanted to know what foods are highest in zinc oysters are the number one food. Other shellfish would be another option.  Red meat, cheese. There's other foods but these have probably the most zinc. Zinc is very very important in supporting a healthy thymus gland and the thymus is a training camp for certain immune cells. So it's very very important and if you're deficient in zinc your thymus actually shrinks. 

The next thing I would do is make sure I have enough vitamin d. You can get that in cod liver oil, salmon, fatty fish. But it's very very difficult to consume foods and get the amount of vitamin d that you need. So I would highly recommend getting enough sun. 20 minutes every single day would give you enough vitamin d because vitamin d is what's called an immune modulator. So it keeps the immune system from overreacting where you have so much inflammation and collateral damage it could damage your lungs and other tissues so vitamin d is very very important in keeping the immune system at a balanced level. Certain viruses have a strategy of blocking the receptor for vitamin d, taking enough vitamin d can actually override that so you can keep that immune support at a high level. 

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