12.19 鸵鸟并不喜欢逃避现实(1)

12.19 鸵鸟并不喜欢逃避现实(1)

  • 秦树团团

    On this program we 1.__________ words and expressions in the English language. We 2. __________ of an expression and explain it 3. __________. We 4. __________, and sometimes we tell where the expression came from. Today we talk about 5. __________ difficult subjects. One way you can do this is to 6. __________. 7. __________ means that you are avoiding, or trying to avoid, a situation. 1. dive into 2. go beneath the surface 3. more fully 4. give examples, notes on usage 5. avoiding 6. bury your head in the sand 7. Burying your head in the sand