How to Travel in your Mind|如何能让回忆更长久更丰富?

How to Travel in your Mind|如何能让回忆更长久更丰富?


How to Travel in your Mind如何能让回忆更长久更丰富?

一生之中 我们花费了很多时间 甚至更多的钱来创造快乐的经历 Throughout our lives, we spend a lot of time and even more money engineering pleasant experiences.
我们定飞机票 去海滩 欣赏冰川 和企鹅说你好 看大象喝水 等等诸如此类 We book airline tickets, visit beaches, admire glaciers, say hello to penguins, watch elephants drinking, and so on.
在所有的这些中 重点总是在经历本身上 In all this, the emphasis is almost always on the experience itself, 它持续了某一段时间 然后消失 which lasts a certain amount of time and then is over.
认真地去重新体验回忆 这个想法听起来有些奇怪 又有些悲伤 The idea of making a big deal of revisiting an experience in memory sounds a little strange or simply sad.
我们不是百折不挠 也不献身于培养过去的经验 We are not assiduous or devoted cultivators of our past experiences
我们摒弃所有在我们思想中已经发生的好事 We shove all the nice things that have happened to us at the back of the cupboard of our minds
并且没有很想再次回忆起它们 and don’t particularly expect to see them ever again.
它们发生 然后我们将其抛之脑后 They happen, and then we’re done with them.
它们会不期而至地回到我们身边 They do sometimes come back to us, unbidden.
我们在一辆无聊的列车上 要去上班 但是突然之间 一幅逼真的黄昏时光的沙滩景象显现在脑海里 We may be on a boring train ride to work but suddenly, an image of a beach at dusk comes to life.
或者 当我们在洗澡的时候 想起和朋友十年前一起 Or, while we’re having a bath we remember climbing a flower-covered mountain with a friend 爬着开满鲜花的山峦 a decade before.

但我们对这些瞬间都不会太在意。 But little attention tends to get paid to such moments.
我们不会安排自己定期与它们相遇 We don’t engineer regular encounters with them.
We may feel we have to dismiss them as daydreaming or thinking about nothing.
但如果我们稍微改变一下影响力的等级 But what if we were to alter the hierarchy of prestige a little,
并认为定期沉浸在我们的记忆中是维持和安慰我们的关键部分。 and argue that regular immersion in our memories is a critical part of what can sustain and console us.
尤其是 这可能是最廉价 也是最灵活的娱乐方式 And not least, is perhaps the cheapest and most flexible form of entertainment.

We should learn, regularly, to travel around our minds and think it almost as prestigious to sit at home and reflect on a trip we once took to an island as to trek to this island encased in our cumbersome bodies.

由于我们对记忆的忽视,我们就像被宠坏的孩子,只是从我们过往的经历中榨取了一部分快乐,然后就把它们扔到一边置之不理,好再次寻找新刺激。 In our neglect of our memories, we are spoiled children who squeeze only a portion of the pleasure from our experiences, and then toss them aside to seek new thrills.
我们觉得需要这么多新体验的部分原因可能只是因为我们不善于吸收我们已经拥有的东西。 为了帮助我们更专注于我们的记忆,我们不需要任何技术。我们当然不需要相机。
Part of why we feel the need for so many new experiences may simply be  that we’re so bad at absorbing the ones we’ve had.  To help us focus more on our memories, we need nothing technical.  We certainly don’t need a camera.
其实我们脑中早有一部永远开机的相机,会拍下我们曾看过的任何东西。 There is a camera in our minds already that is always on. It takes everything we’ve ever seen.
大块的经历仍旧保留在我们的脑海中 完整且生动 等着我们去自问一些引导式问题,像是:“飞机着陆后我们去了哪里?”或是“第一顿早餐是什么样的呢?” Huge chunks of experience are still there in our heads, intact and vivid, just waiting for us to ask ourselves leading questions like, ‘Where did we go after we landed?’ or, ‘What was the first breakfast like?’
当我们睡不着时 当没有wifi的时候 我们应当经常进行记忆之旅 When we can’t sleep, when there is no wifi, we should always think of going on memory journeys.
Our experiences have not disappeared just because they’re no longer unfolding right in-front of our eyes.

我们可以轻松的通过唤起艺术 来与大多数让我们快乐的体验发生连结。 We can remain in touch with so much of what made them pleasurable, simply through the art of evocation.
我们不断的讨论虚拟现实,然而我们却并不需要装置 We talk endlessly of virtual reality, yet we don’t need gadgets
在我们的大脑里已有最出色的VR设备 we have the finest virtual reality machines already in our own heads.

我们现在立刻就可以闭上眼,然后遨游并沉浸在我们自身最棒、最给人以安慰的、提升生活品质的那些过往片刻之中。 We can, right now, shut our eyes and travel into and linger amongst the very best and most consoling and life-enhancing bits of our past.

