7.1 请描述搜救作业的程序(原声)

7.1 请描述搜救作业的程序(原声)


1. (同第 11 题)Describe the procedures of search and rescue operations.

(1) The ways to transmit distress alerts.

(2) The procedures for emergency responding.

(3) The patterns of search and the ways to implement a SAR mission.


(1) 发送遇险警报的方法。 (2) 紧急应答的程序。 (3) 搜寻方式和进行搜救的方法。

(1) There are several ways for distress vessel to transmit distress alerts, such as radio equipment, EPIRB, INMARSAT A or C and so on.

22(2) When receiving a distress alert, we should transmit message of acknowledgement and Mayday relay. We should tell our vessel’s intent to distress vessel. We should keep a listening watch on VHF channel 16. We should keep a proper lookout.

(3) There are four patterns of search. They are: expanding square search, sector search, parallel search and ship/aircraft coordinated search.

(1) 遇险船发出遇险报警有几种方式,比如无线电设备、应急无线电示位标、国际海事卫星 A 站或 C站等。

(2) 收到遇险报警时,我们应该发送确认收妥信息并进行遇险转发,应该将本船意图告知遇险船,应该在甚高频 16 频道保持守听,还应该保持正规瞭望。

(3) 有四种搜寻方式:扩展方形搜寻方式、扇形搜寻方式、平行航线搜寻方式、船舶航空器协作搜寻方式。

