第三十七集:第五章处世有道 君子懿德 中庸之道

第三十七集:第五章处世有道 君子懿德 中庸之道

Caigen Tan was written in the fifteen years of Wanli of Ming Dynasty, and it has a history of nearly 400 years. The word "vegetable root" comes from a saying by Wang Xinmin, a scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty, "If you have a vegetable root, everything can be done". Hong Yingming saw this remark occasionally, and felt it for a moment, so he made up his mind to "make the thatched cottage stable, and make the vegetable roots fragrant." For the purpose, I wrote the proverbs of vegetable roots that have been handed down for hundreds of years. These vegetable root proverbs combine the golden mean thought of Confucianism and the inaction thought of Taoism, and tell the philosophy of life about self-cultivation and life in simple terms.
