七年级英语上册 Unit7

七年级英语上册 Unit7

七年级上册 Unit 7
The Clubs Fair
Linda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair.
First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.
“ Our club will teach you how to build rockets. Then you can launch them into the sky,” a boy said, “ watch!”
He took a rocket and lauched it. The rocket disappeared into the sky. Linda and Leo were very surprised.
“Will it go all the way into space?” Linda asked.
“ Of course it won’t,” a girl from another club shouted. “Our club is better. Come and join the Solar Power Club.”
“ What do you do?” asked Leo.
“ We make wonderful machines. They only use solar power. Look!”
She took a toy car from the table and then used a remote control to drive it all around the playground.
“ It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda. “ That’s amazing!”
Linda and Leo learnt about many clubs. After the fair, they felt very excited.
“ I want to join all the clubs,” said Linda.
“ Me too!” said Leo.
