560 – The Benefits of a Morning Walk 1 早晨散步的好处

560 – The Benefits of a Morning Walk 1 早晨散步的好处


Source: https://luminohealth.sunlife.ca/s/article/The-benefits-of-a-morning-walk?language=en_US

Get energy and a mood boost (提高、推动)from your morning walk

Ever wake up feeling sluggish (懒洋洋、缓慢的、迟钝的) and unmotivated in the morning? A quick 30-minute walk can help start your day off on the right foot (良好的状态). The body releases endorphins (安多芬) during exercise. It’s also called the  “happy chemicals” that make you feel good. “There's also that feeling of accomplishment(成就感),”.

Why go for a morning walk?

There’s actually no physiological (生理的) reason.   Instead, it’s for behavioral (行为的)reasons. “There's no procrastination (拖延症) or “I'll do it later” excuse,”  You set the tone (定调子) to be productive and accomplished right away.”

For those that already have busy morning routines, lunch time or after dinner could be more convenient. But it depends on your schedule. The absolute best time of the day to go for a walk is whenever you think you're going to do it consistently (一致地).

Does walking count as cardio (有氧运动)?

The answer to this question isn’t as straightforward. It depends on how you view cardio. Cardio is any activity that increases your heart rate, which walking accomplishes.  

  • 灿若星辰之凡星


    录程留学 回复 @灿若星辰之凡星: 这是我在百度找到的答案:喜马拉雅软件进入音频播放页面后,点击文稿,再点击AI文稿,会进入AI文稿界面,点击右下角“原文稿”就可以关闭ai文稿,恢复到原文稿界面,击左上角下拉三角标或者是顶部的声音,可以退出文稿页面。

  • clear1234567890

    I think topics such as health,culture,delicusy,sports and English are popular for us to listen to.

    录程留学 回复 @clear1234567890: I’m glad to hear that! Thanks for your feedback

  • Rachel3lu

    Great! I heard this podcast just as I was walking in the morning.😊