8. 小狗耳朵里的美国总统(讲解版)

8. 小狗耳朵里的美国总统(讲解版)


Can you see it? A picture has emerged of the insideof a dog's ear that bears a resemblance to President Donald Trump .

The picture immediately went viral[c1]  and so far has 13,000 retweet[c2] s and 32,000 likes.[c3]  Twitter users were quick to share their amusement[c4] , with one saying: 'This makes me feel weird[c5] .'

The dog's owner was reveal[c6] ed as Jade Robinson. She said:  'Ifit makes you feel any better this is my pooch[c7]  whose ears it is and he’s called Chief and is adorable!'

This is not the first time the president's face has been spotted in unusualplaces. To markHalloween[c8]  [ˌhæləʊˈi:n]last week, pictures emerge[c9] d of pumpkins that looked like Trump. And in July, drug dealer[c10] s produced ecstasytablets[c11]  that bore a resemblance[c12]  to[c13]  the 45th presidentof the United States.

The real Donald Trump has been busy in Japan where he is on the first legof his marathon [ˈmærəθən] tour of East Asia. While,The pooch, a two-year-old Beagle ['bi:ɡl] named Chief, has achieved[c14]  internet fame[c15]  after the image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] surfacedon social media.











 [c11][ˈɛkstəsi] [ˈtæblɪt]

 [c12] [rɪˈzembləns] n. 相似,形似;外表




