Chinese Nationalist Party Legislator Charles Chen claimed that staff at theNational Palace Museum in Taipei dropped and broke two ceramic items, while related information was concealed. Confirming that three items in its archive had been damaged, the TaipeiPalace Museum said they did not intentionally conceal it and theinvestigation is ongoing.
In a statement, the museum wrote that on Feb 3, 2021and April 7, 2022, while staff members were organizing artifacts, theydiscovered upon opening packages that a Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) "yellowteacup with two green dragons" and a Qing Dynasty (1636–1911) "yellowteacup with dragon pattern" were damaged. Additionally, on May 19, 2022,due to staff mishandling, a Qing Dynasty "blue-and-white floralplate" fell and broke.
台北故宫博物院28日下午在社交媒体刊出声明称,器物处瓷器科人员整理文物时,2021年2月3日、2022年4月7日打开文物包裹后发现“明弘治款 娇黄绿彩双龙小碗”(左上)“清康熙款 暗龙白里小黄瓷碗”(下)破损;2022年5月19日整理文物时,由于人员在作业过程中疏忽,致“清乾隆 青花花卉盘”(右上)掉落破损。
The negligence leading to the damage of artifacts at the museum wasimmediately condemned by a large number of netizens. People on both sides of the Straits have not only greatly deplored thedamage of the cultural relics, but also have doubts over the attitude, abilityand motivation of the incumbent management of the Taipei Palace Museumregarding the protection of nearly 700,000 cultural relics housed there.
Regarding the damaged artifacts,the museum wrote that the Ming dynasty “yellow teacup with two green dragons”is being repaired. The Qing dynasty “yellow teacup with dragon pattern” isawaiting repairs, while the Qing dynasty “blue-and-white floral plate” will berepaired after penalties are issued.
台北故宫博物院28日表示,破损瓷器目前第一件“明弘治款 娇黄绿彩双龙小碗”正在修复中,第二件“清康熙款 暗龙白里小黄瓷碗”待修复人员处理,第三件“清乾隆 青花花卉盘”待惩处程序完成,责任厘清后才会进入修复程序。
Many people are wondering if the public hadn'texposed the incident, would it have been covered up by the Taipei Palace Museumforever? In places in the museum where the public has not paid attention to,are there more valuable artifacts that have been damaged but coveredup?
The museum's curator Wu Mi-cha said the threebroken artifacts were not insured, so the liability for compensation is stillto be confirmed. He also claimed that the three broken artifacts had never beenput on display and only the three artifacts were damaged in his term ofoffice.
Three artifacts were damaged in only two years, many people doubt thereasons behind. Global Times commented that it'sknown to all that the collections in the Taipei Palace Museum areextraordinary. They are cultural treasures belonging to the entire Chinesenation as well as testimony and inheritance of China's long history andsplendid culture. They are of more special and richer historical, culturaland ethnic value as they went through China's war of resistance againstJapanese aggression and the Chinese civil war and have become the cultural linkand historical bonds that cannot be cut off between the Taiwan island and theChinese mainland.
However, the current management staff of the TaipeiPalace Museum have spent more efforts in downplaying and avoiding these aspectsthan they have invested in the protection and management of the preciouscultural relics. Taking the precious cultural relics of the TaipeiNational Palace Museum as political resources, the political manipulations erodedthe due respect to the relics and damaged the professional ability in theprotection and management of cultural relics, which led to the damage happened oneafter another.
英[səˈræmɪk] 美[səˈræmɪk]
adj. 陶瓷的
英[ˈrelɪks] 美[ˈrelɪks]
n. 遗迹
英[kjʊəˈreɪtə(r)] 美[ˈkjʊreɪtər]
n. (博物馆)馆长
Cultural relics damaged, should strengthen the management.