Scene Three
A room in the castle.
I like him not,nor stands it safe with us
To let his madness rangeTherefore prepare you;
I your commission will forthwithdispatch,
And he to England shall along with you:
The terms of our estatemay not endure
Hazardso dangerous as doth hourlygrow
Out of his lunacies.
We will ourselves provide:
Most holyand religious fear it is
To keep those many many bodies safe
That live and feed upon your majesty.
The single and peculiarlife is bound,
With all the strength and armourof the mind,
To keep itself from noyance;but much more
That spirit upon whose wealdepend and rest
The lives of many.The ceaseof majesty
Dies not alone;but,like a gulf,doth draw
What's near it with it:it is a massywheel,
Fix'd on the summitof the highest mount,
To whose huge spokesten thousand lesserthings
Are mortisedand adjoin'd;which,when it falls,
Each small annexment,pettyconsequence,
Attends the boisterousruin.Never alone
Did the king sigh,but with a general groan.
Armyou,I pray you,to this speedy voyage;
For we will fetters put upon this fear,
Which now goes too free-footed.
We will haste us.
My lord,he's going to his mother's closet:
Behind the arrasI>ll conveymyself,
To hear the process;and warrantshe>ll tax him.home:
And,as you said,and wisely was it said,
>Tis meet that some more audience than a mother,
Since nature makes them partial,should o>erhear
The speech,of vantage.Fare you well,my liege:
I>ll call upon you ereyou go to bed,
And tell you what I know.
Thanks,dear my lord.
O,my offenceis rankit smells to heaven;
It hath the primaleldest curseupon>t,
A brother's murder.Pray can I not,
Though inclinationbe as sharp as will:
My stronger guiltdefeats my strong intent;
And,like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect.What if this cursedhand
Were thicker than itself with brother's blood,
Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens
To wash it white as snow?Wheretoserves mercy
But to confrontthe visageof offence?
And what's in prayer but this two-foldforce,
To be forestalledere we come to fall,
Or pardon'd being down?Then I>ll look up;
My fault is past But,O,what form of prayer
Can serve my turn?>Forgive me my foul murder>?
That cannot be;since I am still possess'd
Of those effects for which I did the murder,
My crown,mine own ambition and my queen.
May one be pardon'd and retainthe offence?
In the corruptedcurrents of this world
Offence's gildedhand my shoveby justice,
And oft>tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the law:
but>tis not so above;
There is no shuffling,there the action lies闪烁其辞
In his true nature;and we ourselves compell'd,
Even to the teeth and forehead of our faults,
To give in evidence.What then?what rests?
Try what repentancecan:what can itnot?
Yet what can it when one can not repent?
O wretched state!O bosomblack as death!
O limedsoul,that,struggling to be free,
Artmore engaged!Help,angels!Make assay!
Bow,stubbornkness;and,heart with strings of steel,
Be soft as sinewsof the newborn babe!
All may be well.
[Retires and kneels]
[Enter HAMLET]
Now might I do it pat,now he is praying;
And now I>ll do>t.And so he goes to heaven;
And so am I revenged.That would be scann'd:
A villainkills my father;and for that,
I,his soleson,do this same villain send
To heaven.
O,this is hire and salary,not revenge.
He took my father grossly,full of bread;
With all his crimes broad blown,as flushas May;
And how his auditstands who knows save heaven?
But in our circumstance and course of thought,
>Tis heavy with him:and am I then revenged,
To take him in the purgingof his soul,
When he is fit and season'd for his passage?
Up,sword;and know thou a more horridhent:
When he is drunk asleep,or in his rage,
Or in the incestuouspleasure of his bed;
At gaming,swearing,or about some act
That has no relishof salvationin>t;
Then triphim,that his heels may kick at heaven,
And that his soul may be as damn'dand black
As hell,wheretoit goes.My mother stays:
This physicbut prolongs thy sickly days.
[Rising]My words fly up,my thorghts remain below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.
第三场 城堡中一室
国王 我不喜欢他;纵容他这样疯闹下去,对于我是一个很大的威胁。所以你们快去准备起来吧;我马上叫人办好你们要递送的文书,同时打发他跟你们一块儿到英国去。就我的地位而论,他的疯狂每小时都可以危害我的安全,我不能让他留在我的近旁。
吉尔登斯吞 我们就去准备起来;许多人的安危都寄托在陛下身上,这一种顾虑是最圣明不过的。
罗森格兰兹 每一个庶民都知道怎样远祸全身,一个身负天下重寄的人,尤其应该时刻不懈地防备危害的袭击。君主的薨逝不仅是个人的死亡,它像一个漩涡一样,凡是在它近旁的东西,都要被它卷去同归于尽;又像一个矗立在最高山峰上的巨轮,它的轮辐上连附着无数的小物件,当巨轮轰然崩裂的时候,那些小物件也跟着它一齐粉碎。国王的一声叹息,总是随着全国的呻吟。
国王 请你们准备立刻出发;因为我们必须及早制止这一种公然的威胁。
波洛涅斯 陛下,他到他母亲房间里去了。我现在就去躲在帏幕后面,听他们怎么说。我可以断定她一定会把他好好教训一顿的。您说得很不错。母亲对于儿子总有几分偏心,所以最好有一个第三者躲在旁边偷听他们的谈话。再会,陛下;在您未睡以前,我还要来看您一次,把我所探听到的事情告诉您。
国王 谢谢你,贤卿。(波洛涅斯下)啊!我的罪恶的戾气已经上达于天;我的灵魂上负着一个元始以来最初的咒诅,杀害兄弟的暴行!我不能祈祷,虽然我的愿望像决心一样强烈;我的更坚强的罪恶击败了我的坚强的意愿。像一个人同时要做两件事情,我因为不知道应该先从什么地方下手而徘徊歧途,结果反弄得一事无成。要是这一只可咒诅的手上染满了一层比它本身还厚的兄弟的血,难道天上所有的甘霖,都不能把它洗涤得像雪一样的洁白吗?慈悲的使命,不就是宽宥罪恶吗?祈祷的目的,不是一方面预防我们的堕落,一方面救拔我们于已堕落之后吗?那么我要仰望上天;我的过失已经犯下了。可是唉!哪一种祈祷才是我所适用的呢?“求上帝赦免我的杀人重罪”吗?那不能,因为我现在还占有着那些引起我的犯罪动机的目的物,我的王冠、我的野心和我的王后。非分攫取的利益还在手里,就可以幸邀宽恕吗?在这贪污的人世,罪恶的镀金的手也许可以把公道推开不顾,暴徒的赃物往往成为枉法的贿赂;可是天上却不是这样的,在那边一切都无可遁避,任何行动都要显现它的真相,我们必须当面为我们自己的罪恶作证。那么怎么办呢?还有什么法子好想呢?试一试忏悔的力量吧。什么事情是忏侮所不能做到的?可是对于一个不能忏侮的人,它又有什么用呢?啊,不幸的处境!啊,像死亡一样黑暗的心胸!啊,越是挣扎,越是不能脱身的胶住了的灵魂!救救我,天使们!试一试吗:屈下来,顽强的膝盖;钢丝一样的心弦,变得像新生之婴的筋肉一样柔嫩吧!但愿一切转祸为福!(退后跪祷。)
哈姆莱特 他现在正在祈祷,我正好动手;我决定现在就干,让他上天堂去,我也算报了仇了。不,那还要考虑一下:一个恶人杀死我的父亲;我,他的独生子,却把这个恶人送上天堂。啊,这简直是以恩报怨了。他用卑鄙的手段,在我父亲满心俗念、罪孽正重的时候乘其不备把他杀死;虽然谁也不知道在上帝面前,他的生前的善恶如何相抵,可是照我们一般的推想,他的孽债多半是很重的。现在他正在洗涤他的灵魂,要是我在这时候结果了他的性命,那么天国的路是为他开放着,这样还算是复仇吗?不!收起来,我的剑,等候一个更惨酷的机会吧;当他在酒醉以后,在愤怒之中,或是在乱伦纵欲的时候,有赌博、咒骂或是其他邪恶的行为的中间,我就要叫他颠踬在我的脚下,让他幽深黑暗不见天日的灵魂永堕地狱。我的母亲在等我。这一服续命的药剂不过延长了你临死的痛苦。(下。)
国王 我的言语高高飞起,我的思想滞留地下;没有思想的言语永远不会上升天界。(下。)